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What is Chat GPT? The Brains Trust Behind the Machine


February 10, 2023 · 3 min read

By this stage, unless you’ve been living under a rock you’ll have heard of the latest and greatest in AI innovation, the one and only Chat GPT. Giving Google a run for its money, at a basic level, the platform harnesses AI technology to deliver an advanced language model conversational chatbot… and it sure has got people talking!

Developed by the clever minds over at OpenAI, Chat GPT can be likened to a digital bestie, who never runs out of jokes, knows everything there is to know about any given topic, and can spin a yarn about basically anything. Companionship aside, for the marketing world, the development of such a widely accessible tool is sure to change up the game as we know it.

The chatbot has been trained on a vast collection of text data, using deep learning algorithms to generate human-like responses on just about any topic in an instant. For businesses looking to improve their marketing efforts, Chat GPT has proven to be a powerful tool when it comes to improving customer experience, and providing endless inspo for content creation.

The platform’s ability to generate human-like text means you can say goodbye to boring and uninspired content. Be it a blog post you’ve been putting off writing, a burning desire to spice up your socials with some killer copy, or even just cracking some headache-worthy coding, Chat GPT has the potential to completely transform your business’ marketing efforts.

But that’s not all either, when used correctly, the platform can act as your right hand man (or woman) for (pretty much) all marketing endeavours. From keyword research and topic cluster development to Ad copy and optimising campaigns, there really isn’t much that can’t be done using Chat GPT. It really is a one-stop-shop!

With the rise of AI innovation, what does this mean for marketers though? Have we been booted out of the big job? The answer is a resounding no – fear not, you haven’t been replaced by a chatbot, in fact that’s far from the truth. A fatal flaw of Chat GPT is that it lacks a real human on the other side of the keyboard. People value that all important emotional intelligence and character that a chatbot unfortunately can provide. So it’s not all doom and gloom for the seemingly old fashioned human marketer!

All in all however, the future of marketing as we know it, is certainly going to be an interesting one to watch. By incorporating ChatGPT into your marketing efforts, businesses can streamline processes, reach and engage with their target audience more effectively, and drive better results. With more opportunities than ever to leverage upon, there’s a lot to be said for AI, and its interaction with the marketing industry. ChatGPT is without a doubt, the new must-have tool for any business looking to streamline their marketing efforts, so give it a crack today!