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Think of Many Things; Do One: Our Top 10 Apps for Productivity


February 01, 2023 · 3 min read

As self-proclaimed and self-appointed digital nerds, we’re constantly on the hunt for ways to boost productivity and maximise our time most effectively. In true digital form we pride ourselves on scouring the depths of the internet to uncover the creme de la creme of productivity. We’ve been there, done that and got the t-shirt when it comes to life-hacks, Tik Toks and how-to guides for inflating productivity, and (just quietly), we’d like to think we’re experts in the field. 

There truly is no better feeling than the serotonin-fuelled happiness that only a completed to-do list can provide, and so without our further ado, we present our graduating class of 2023 for productivity apps –  and let it be known that these guys are receiving first class honours!

Our favourite apps for maximising productivity

  1. Todoist 
  2. Asana 
  3. Trello
  4. Google Keep
  5. Evernote
  6. Microsoft To-Do
  7. Toggl
  8. Focus To-Do
  10. Notion

Come on, it’s 2023 and productivity has secured itself as a firm ‘in’ for the year. Whether you’re neck deep in the trenches managing a team of 1000, a textbook Type A personality whose life is dictated by their planner,  or simply wanting keeping on-top of the filing cabinet that doubles as your brain, there truly is an app for everyone. 

We did say that we love crossing off a good (physical) list, but why not kick off the year with some new digital productivity apps? Don’t knock it till you’ve tried it. Chances are, soon enough, you’ll lose without them – Happy productivity kings and queens!